Governance & structure

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre (DRCC) is an independent not-for-profit organisation that aims to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of rape, childhood sexual abuse and other forms of sexual violence. 

Legal structure & charitable status

Established in 1979, the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is registered

  • with the Companies Registration Office as a company limited by guarantee without share capital (company registration number 147318)
  • as an organisation with charitable tax exemption with the Revenue Commissioners (CHY 8529)
  • with the Charities Regulatory Authority of Ireland (Registered Charity Number 20021078)

You can read our Constitution and our latest annual report.

Governance & Oversight

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. You can see its members on Our people page

The Board meets regularly and is responsible for ensuring good governance systems and processes are in place, and that ensuring that all legal duties are met. The board delegates the day-to-day running of affairs and the carrying out of policy to the Chief Executive Officer.

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre complies with the Charities Governance Code
